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1-093 Recorded Webinar 
Neurodivergence, trauma-sensitive early childhood practice, and rethinking inclusion
Duration: Approx. 35 min
Building on the first webinar, in this webinar we will further explore how neurodivergent tamariki and their whānau often encounter trauma produced within the people, places, things and practices that make up their early childhood settings. The most frequent cause of this trauma is how people, places, things and practices set out to, or are designed to, meet the needs of most tamariki and whānau, rather than all.

This in turn presents a host of marginalising, exclusionary barriers to the active participation and learning of neurodivergent tamariki and their whānau, who have diverse sensitivities, experiences, knowledges and learning dispositions that are then silenced, contributing to their ongoing trauma.

We have addressed how kaiako can intentionally foster trauma-sensitive practice and learning environments which reduce and dismantle these barriers, so that neurodivergent tamariki and their whānau can not only realise their right to an equitable, inclusive early childhood education, but also feel secure and stand proud in their identity.
Presented by Kate McAnelly (PhD)
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About the Webinar Presenter

Dr Kate McAnelly (PhD)

Dr Kate McAnelly is a kaiako me kairangahau kōhungahunga (early childhood teacher researcher) based in Ōtepoti Dunedin. She combines continuing to teach in early childhood alongside developing her own education consultancy, Tūranga mō ngā Mokopuna, which is focused on strengthening the inclusive practice of early childhood kaiako.

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