Learning Library: Assessing and Documenting Learning
Children deserve nothing less!
Let's learn about Assessment and Learning Documentation
Resources for Educators and leaders
Three things you need to know about how we have got documentation practices wrong in ECE
The Role of Observation in an early childhood service
Still looking for more on Assessment and Documentation?
Early Childhood Assessment
If you are looking to clarify your understanding of what assessment means in early childhood education, this website spells it out in a clear and easy to understand description.
What is Assessment in ECE?
Written by "The Education Hub" this reading explains what assessment means in a New Zealand early childhood context and makes connections with Te Whāriki.
Guidelines for Documenting children's learning
This is a pdf download created by ACECQA for our Australian educators that explores what good documentation is. This includes guidelines for what to document, why and how.
Aromatawai Assessment
Use this downloadable workshop to evaluate, reflect, and refresh your thinking on your assessment processes.
You can work through the slides on your own or in a team meeting – where the reflective questions can prompt debate and discussion.
You can work through the slides on your own or in a team meeting – where the reflective questions can prompt debate and discussion.